Observations and opinions of current trends in the Ocean County, New Jersey, real estate market. These real estate trends may include, but are not limited to; buyer & seller behavior, market dynamics and real estate practitioners in Ocean County, NJ.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
"Manifest Your Goals"-Step 5
In order to "Manifest Our Goals", we need to "connect deeply with everyone we meet and accept them for who they are, not who we want them to be"!
"Stink and ugly is where it's at!"
How often have we "curb-side" qualified somebody based on their initial appearance? It could have been a potential client, a potential boyfriend/girlfriend or group member. How many of those people could have helped us? How many could we have helped? How many of us look at our friends on facebook and think, WOW, they grew up good! Or, they turned out for the better!
"The KEY here is FLEXIBILITY!"
We must be willing to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, including ourselves! as Matthew and Thach put it:
"Total and coplete acceptance of ALL people, in ALL situations, at ALL times, including yourself...HMMM!"
Monday, January 26, 2009
Broker/Agent Social Network - Matthew Ferry's video - How to Manifest Your Goals - Step 4
"Tell EVERYONE what you are Manifesting!"
"Nobody CARES what you are up to UNLESS you CARE about what they are up to!"
"Get OUT of yourself and INTO others!"
"Nobody can HELP you if you don't HELP them!"
"Commit to HELPING others!"
WOW! The truth rings loud and clear in this step! How often have we, ourselves, "turned off" listening to someone tell us all about themselves because we knew they couldn't CARE LESS about us...and...how infrequently have we been DELIGHTED by the sincerity of someone who TRULY CARES about us and/or our situation? Which person are we more likely to remember and want to HELP?
Friday, January 23, 2009
Broker/Agent Social Network - Matthew Ferry's video - How to Manifest Your Goals - Step 3
"Don't worry about the HOW!"
Here's where we get confused. As real estate practitioners, we are trained and coached on our written business plans:
First; set the financial goal you plan to achieve.
HOW many "closed sales" will you need to achieve that goal?
HOW many "open sales" will you need to get the "closed sales" you need?
HOW many sales will come from buyers?
HOW many "buyer appointments" will you need?
HOW many sales will come from sold listings?
HOW many listings will you need?
and so on, and so on...
According to Thach and Matthew, we shouldn't worry about the HOW. We should FOCUS on the "Contribution Game" and let the GOAL materialize!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Broker/Agent Social Network - Matthew Ferry's video - How to Manifest Your Goals - Step 2
Step 2 of Matthew Ferry's "8 Steps to Manifest Your Goals":
"Keep doing what you're doing!"
"Play the contribution game!"
"Seek to understand!"
"Be open!"
Love the "Contribution Game" philosophy! Can't wait for Step 3!!!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Broker/Agent Social Network - Matthew Ferry's video - How to Manifest Your Goals - Step 1
I've read Rhonda Byrne's, THE SECRET, and I believe in the "Law of Attraction", so it's interesting to observe how some of of us incorporate this powerful energy into our passion and purpose.
This is the first of a series of videos from Matthew Ferry available at BrokerAgentSocial.com, a real estate specific "social network". I will post one video of each of the sequential "steps" each day until we've seen them all and comment on how these "steps' may be applied to real estate.
Today's video from Matthew, focuses on "Step One"; allowing the things we picture for ourselves to happen! It's one thing to have the "vision", it's another to "allow" that vision to manifest itself into our reality.
From the local real estate perspective, we can apply this "step" to the business goals we set for ourselves as real estate practitioners; having written goals is good but "allowing" those goals to become our reality is even better!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Bad News for Builders may be Good News for REALTORS
The Asbury Park Press ran an article on the front page of their Business Section today entitled, Bad news besets Shore builders. Despite the dramatic headline, author, David P. Willis' article suggests that the "bad news" for builders may be "good news" for REALTORS!
Mr. Willis references Economist, Patrick J. O'Keefe, Director of Economic Research at J.H.Cohn LLP, who spoke to the gathering of the Shore Builders Association of Central Jersey Inc. at the Quality Inn in Toms River, on Wednesday night. According to Mr. O'Keefe, "The health of the new home market depends on the resale market. Sales of existing homes in New Jersey hit a bottom in the fourth quarter at an annualized rate of 110,000 homes a year."
The result of this "bottom" was about an 8 percent decline in home prices last year in New Jersey, compared with a 4 or 5 percent decline the year before. These lower home prices, coupled with "historically" low mortgage rates make for a more affordable home for New Jersey's average family!
And while Mr. O'Keefe sees home prices continuing to fall in the first half of 2009, New Jersey has not accumulated the same surplus of housing as many other states like California. So, "after continuing to decline in the first half of the year, resale home prices will begin to move up. It will change the psychology of the market. People will gain confidence that if they buy the house today, it will be worth at least as much, if not more, in the future."
So, potential home-buyers in New Jersey, the first half of 2009 is the time to get off the fence! Affordable home prices, and the absolute lowest mortgage rates in history, make this the BEST TIME to buy a home in recent history.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Relay for Life Kick Off Party in Toms River!

YOU are Invited to the
Relay For Life of Toms River
Kick Off Party
At the Ritacco Center!
Join the party and find out how you can help us CELEBRATE, REMEMBER and FIGHT BACK!
January 16, 2009
Poland Springs Arena, Ritacco Center
Old Freehold Road, Toms River
Please RSVP 1.800.ACS.2345
For more info; http://main.acsevents.org/site/TR?pg=entry&fr_id=14162
Friday, January 2, 2009
2008 Year End Wrap Up for Toms River, NJ
Looking at the numbers (2008 compared to 2007):
SALES of "Single Family Homes" in Toms River, were DOWN almost 15%
The Average Listing Price for a "Single Family Home" was DOWN about 6.5%
The Average Sales Price for a "Single Family Home" was DOWN about 6.5%
The Sales Price to List Price Ratio remained STEADY at roughly 94%
The Average "Days on the Market" remained STEADY at roughly 94 days
There is currently 12 months of inventory AVAILABLE (SAME as this time last year)!
What does it ALL mean?
The answer, in my opinion; PENT UP DEMAND in 2009!
Today's Home-Buyer in Toms River, NJ, knows TIME is on their side. They know SALES are DOWN and PRICES are FALLING. They also know how much inventory is AVAILABLE and what the average DAYS ON THE MARKET are. All they have to do is go to Trulia or Zillow for that information!
With 30 Year Fixed Rate Mortgages hovering around 5.25% in New Jersey (to qualified buyers), today's Home-Buyer WANTS to BUY!
The INCREASE in traffic to, and the AMOUNT OF TIME visitors are spending on, real estate sites such as Realtor.com, validate the PENT UP DEMAND theory!
What will it take to get the home-buyers OFF the proverbial FENCE in 2009?
Simple Answer; If you HAVE TO SELL your home in Toms River, NJ, PRICE it 10% UNDER the CURRENT MARKET VALUE for your home!
Obviously, there's MORE involved to SELLING a home in Toms River, NJ. To MAXIMIZE the HIGHEST POSSIBLE PRICE for your home in 2009, a SELLER should speak with a "Marketing & Sales Professional" with a proven track record in their specific neighborhood!