Wednesday, January 28, 2009

"Manifest Your Goals"-Step 5

STEP 5: Connect Deeply with Everyone, Step Over No One!

In order to "Manifest Our Goals", we need to "connect deeply with everyone we meet and accept them for who they are, not who we want them to be"!

"Stink and ugly is where it's at!"

How often have we "curb-side" qualified somebody based on their initial appearance? It could have been a potential client, a potential boyfriend/girlfriend or group member. How many of those people could have helped us? How many could we have helped? How many of us look at our friends on facebook and think, WOW, they grew up good! Or, they turned out for the better!

"The KEY here is FLEXIBILITY!"

We must be willing to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, including ourselves! as Matthew and Thach put it:

"Total and coplete acceptance of ALL people, in ALL situations, at ALL times, including yourself...HMMM!"

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