Observations and opinions of current trends in the Ocean County, New Jersey, real estate market. These real estate trends may include, but are not limited to; buyer & seller behavior, market dynamics and real estate practitioners in Ocean County, NJ.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving Ocean County, NJ!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Did YOU Know "They" Want to Take Your Mortgage Interest Tax Deduction Away?
According to a November report, as reported through HousingWire.com, one option excludes citizens from deducting interest payments on second residences, home equity loans or mortgages over $500,000.Why this is a BAD idea!
Steve Harney and his Crew over at Keeping Current Matters summed it up best:
1. Homeownership is a Major Part of the ‘American Dream’
It has been proven that homeownership is critically important to American culture. A home is more than just a financial investment. It is a parents’ investment in their children. It is a family’s investment in their community. It is the people’s investment in America. With housing attempting to recover from its most trying time, it seems ludicrous to remove one of the most enticing reasons to own a home.
2. This Could Lead to another Wave of Foreclosures
Even if we just look at this from a purely financial perspective, it makes no sense. There are thousands of families struggling to pay their mortgage every month. Many of these homes are in a negative equity situation. Many in this situation have already decided to strategically ‘walk-away’ from their mortgage obligation. Others are sacrificing in different areas of their families’ lives in order to continue to pay their mortgage. Taking away the mortgage tax deduction could be the straw that either financially or emotionally breaks that camel’s back. How many new foreclosures will be created? How will that impact the values of neighboring properties? This makes no sense financially.
What can WE do as Home-Owners, Prospective Home-Owners and Real Estate Practitioners in Ocean County, NJ? WE CAN RAISE OUR VOICE AND JUST SAY "NO" TO THE "O"!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Myths: The Earth Is Flat and Newspapers Sell Houses
Myths: The Earth Is Flat and Newspapers Sell Houses
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
The Compelling Argument to List Your Home Today in Toms River, NJ
Typically, this time of year (Nov & Dec), we hear the following statement from prospective Home-Sellers; "I'm going to wait until after the Holidays to put my home on the market".
Just what does "waiting until after the Holidays" actually COST a potential Home-Seller in Toms River, NJ? The answer lies in the historical data:
--Nov & Dec 2006; Toms River had almost 10.8 months of inventory available*
--Jan & Feb 2007; Toms River had almost 12.6 months of inventory available
--Nov & Dec 2007; Toms River had almost 10.9 months of inventory available
--Jan & Feb 2008; Toms River had almost 15 months of inventory available
--Nov & Dec 2008; Toms River had almost 12.3 months of inventory available
--Jan & Feb 2009; Toms River had almost 18.6 months of inventory available
--Nov & Dec 2009; Toms River had almost 10.5 months of inventory available
--Jan & Feb 2010; Toms River had almost 17.6 months of inventory available
*Months of available inventory = How long it would take to sell off the existing supply of homes if NO other homes were to come on the market.
Long story short; "waiting until after the Holidays" will COST you between 2 and 7 months on the market and we all know "time is money". So, if you want more money for your home, it behooves you to list your home in Toms River, NJ, today!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Happy New Year Toms River, NJ!
If you plan to BUY a home in 2011:
-When do you plan on moving?
-Where do you plan to start your search?
-When do you plan on getting pre-approved for a mortgage?
-When do you plan on working with a real estate professional?
If you plan on SELLING a home in 2011:
-When do you plan on moving?
-Where do you plan on going?
-How do you plan on getting there?
-When do you plan on meeting with a real estate professional?
These are just a sample of the some of the questions you may need to ask yourselves now, in November, if you PLAN on buying, or selling, a home in Toms River, NJ, in 2011.
Here's more to consider:
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Who will you listen to? Don't be a "Little Jimmy"!
So, what are the facts today?
Most "experts" agree that home prices have returned to levels unseen since October of 2003. AND, even the "Castaways on Gilligan's Island" know mortgage interest rates are the lowest in 50 years (still averaging 4.75% for a 30 year fixed as of this post). So, as the KCM CREW so deftly point out in their excellent post, Look at the Cost, Not Just the Price:
"Let’s assume for the sake of this example that you purchased a home and borrowed $200,000 via a mortgage. In 2003, your monthly mortgage payment (principle and interest) would have been $1,192.68. If you borrowed the same $200,000 today your monthly payment would be $1,013.37. Same house, same price but the COST is $179.31 less a month. That’s a savings of over $2,000 a year! Over the life of a 30 year mortgage, you would save over $64,000."
I know what you're thinking now...
Well, that's all well and fine, coming from a real estate broker but you have your own agenda!
Yes, I do. And here it is:
Ok, ok; still have your doubts about buying a home in Ocean County, NJ? Have you ever heard of John Paulson? Perhaps, you may be interested in hearing what he had to say about the "Housing Market" last week?
“If you don’t own a home, buy one. If you own one home, buy another one. And if you own two homes, buy a third and lend your relatives the money to buy one.”
– John Paulson 9/27/2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
How's the Market this week in Toms River, NJ (Sept. 13th, 2010)?
Let's take a look at ALL of the Toms River zip codes which includes South Toms River, Holiday City Berkeley and Pine Lake Park (Note; Altos Research does not distinguish between Single Family Homes and Adult Communities):
Fortunately, the Condo Market in Toms River was stable this week, with less homes coming on the market(5) than those selling off(11). Tighter lending requirements and competition from the Single Family Home Market will continue to weaken the Condo Market, in Toms River, for the foreseeable future:
As far as prices in Toms River go, we are experiencing a decline in prices due to the "Post Tax Credit Affect"; without the artificial demand created by the Tax Credit, the Law of Supply and Demand has resumed it's natural course of action and the result is diminishing home prices. This "affect" was not unexpected and prices are expected to continue to diminish as we enter the last third of the year:
So, "How's the Market in Toms River, NJ"? If you are in the market to buy a home, "it just doesn't get much better than this!" If you MUST sell your home, PRICE IT RIGHT now as prices WILL continue to fall. If you WANT to sell but don't HAVE TO sell, take your home OFF the market and allow your neighbor to MOVE ON with their lives. That's how the market is in Toms River, NJ, this week!
How's the Market this week in Manchester, NJ (Sept. 13th, 2010)?
Unfortunately, the Condo Market in Manchester appears to be diminishing as 2 units sold in the last week and BUT 3 new units came on the market:
Home prices appear to be falling, across the board, in Manchester, over the last 90 days:
So, "How's the Market in Manchester, NJ"? If you are in the market to buy a home, IT JUST DOESN'T GET ANY BETTER THAN THIS! If you MUST sell your home, price it right now as prices are falling again. If you WANT to sell but don't HAVE TO sell, take your home off the market and allow your neighbor to MOVE ON with their lives. That's how the market is in Manchester, NJ, this week!
How's the Market this week in Island Heights, NJ (Sept.13th, 2010)?
Fortunately, the Condo Market in Island Heights is specific and stable; there is only one community. There are currently 3 units on the market with no new sales and no new listings:
As far as prices in Island Heights go, we are experiencing a steeper decline in the higher price points while the lower end (under $400,000) appears to be stabilizing:
So, "How's the Market in Island Heights, NJ"? If you are in the market to buy a home, "it just doesn't get much better than this!" If you MUST sell your home, price it right now as prices will continue to fall. If you WANT to sell but don't HAVE TO sell, take your home off the market and allow your neighbor to MOVE ON with their lives. That's how the market is in Island Heights, NJ, this week!
How's the Market in Brick, NJ, this week (Sept. 13th, 2010)?
Unfortunately, the Condo Market in Brick continues to suffer over the past 2 weeks, with more homes coming on the market than those selling off. Tighter lending requirements and competition from the Single Family Home Market will continue to "soften" the Condo Market in Brick for the foreseeable future:
As far as prices in Brick go, the overall median sales price of Single Family Homes continued it's decline due to the "Post Tax Credit Affect"; without the artificial demand created by the Tax Credit, the "Law of Supply and Demand" has resumed it's natural course of action and the result is diminishing home prices. This "affect" was expected and prices are expected to continue to diminish as we enter the last third of the year. Surprisingly, the median sales price of condos in Brick has remained stable over the last 90 days despite the increase in inventory and decrease in sales! Take a look:
So, "How's the Market in Brick, NJ"? If you are in the market to buy a home, "it just doesn't get much better than this!" If you MUST sell your home, price it right now as prices will continue to fall. If you WANT to sell but don't HAVE TO sell, take your home off the market and allow your neighbor to MOVE ON with their lives. That's how the market is in Brick, NJ, these past 2 weeks.
Monday, August 30, 2010
How's the Market in Toms River, NJ, this week (Aug 27th, 2010)?
Fortunately, the Condo Market in Toms River was stable this week, with the same number of homes coming on the market as those selling off(2). Tighter lending requirements and competition from the Single Family Home Market will continue to weaken the Condo Market, in Toms River, for the foreseeable future:
As far as prices in Toms River go, we are experiencing a steep decline in prices due to the "Post Tax Credit Affect"; without the artificial demand created by the Tax Credit, the Law of Supply and Demand has resumed it's natural course of action and the result is diminishing home prices. This "affect" was not unexpected and prices are expected to continue to diminish as we enter the last third of the year:
So, "How's the Market in Toms River, NJ"? If you are in the market to buy a home, "it just doesn't get much better than this!" If you MUST sell your home, PRICE IT RIGHT now as prices WILL continue to fall. If you WANT to sell but don't HAVE TO sell, take your home OFF the market and allow your neighbor to MOVE ON with their lives. That's how the market is in Toms River, NJ, this week!
How's the Market in Manchester, NJ, this week (Aug 27th, 2010)?
Fortunately, the Condo Market in Manchester appears to be stabilizing as 5 units sold in the last week and only 1 new unit came on the market:
Home prices appear to be stabilizing, across the board, in Manchester, over the last 6 months:
So, "How's the Market in Manchester, NJ"? If you are in the market to buy a home, don't wait too long as it appears home prices may be stabilizing! If you MUST sell your home, price it right now as prices may begin to fall again in the fall? If you WANT to sell but don't HAVE TO sell, take your home off the market and allow your neighbor to MOVE ON with their lives. That's how the market is in Manchester, NJ, this week!
How's the Market in Island Heights, NJ, this week (Aug 27th, 2010)?
Fortunately, the Condo Market in Island Heights is specific and stable; there is only one community. There are currently 3 units on the market with no new sales and no new listings:
As far as prices in Island Heights go, we are experiencing a steeper decline in the higher price points while the lower end (under $400,000) appears to be stabilizing:
So, "How's the Market in Island Heights, NJ"? If you are in the market to buy a home, "it just doesn't get much better than this!" If you MUST sell your home, price it right now as prices will continue to fall. If you WANT to sell but don't HAVE TO sell, take your home off the market and allow your neighbor to MOVE ON with their lives. That's how the market is in Island Heights, NJ, this week!
How's the Market in Brick, NJ, this week (Aug 27, 2010)?
Unfortunately, the Condo Market in Brick was not as fortunate this week, with more homes coming on the market than those selling off. Tighter lending requirements and competition from the Single Family Home Market will continue to "soften" the Condo Market in Brick for the foreseeable future:
As far as prices in Brick go, we are experiencing a steep decline in prices due to the "Post Tax Credit Affect"; without the artificial demand created by the Tax Credit, the Law of Supply and Demand has resumed it's natural course of action and the result is diminishing home prices. This "affect" was expected and prices are expected to continue to diminish as we enter the last third of the year:
So, "How's the Market in Brick, NJ"? If you are in the market to buy a home, "it just doesn't get much better than this!" If you MUST sell your home, price it right now as prices will continue to fall. If you WANT to sell but don't HAVE TO sell, take your home off the market and allow your neighbor to MOVE ON with their lives. That's how the market is in Brick, NJ, this week.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Housing Market Trends in Toms River, NJ, for the week of August 20th, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Dynamic North Dover Colonial!
Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Video Tour of Island Heights, NJ, Summer 2010
Some of the scenes include; the boardwalk, the pavilion, the post office, the Artist's Guild, the "Peto House", the ball fields and of course, the river and the bay!
Please let us know if we did a thorough job of capturing the essence of living in Island Heights, NJ? We may be professional REALTORS but we're still amateur videographers. Your feedback is welcomed and encouraged!
We hope you enjoy this video tour of Island Heights, NJ:
Monday, June 14, 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
Waterfront Cape on Green Island, in Toms River, NJ!
Green Island Waterfront Cape!
Overview Maps Photos Features Description Neighborhood Market Stats |
Jim Flanagan Coldwell Banker Flanagan Realty (732) 270-6100 jim.flanagan@flanaganrealty.com http://FlanaganRealty.com Listed by: Coldwell Banker Flanagan Realty |
Our recent listings
Monday, May 17, 2010
YOUTUBE Turns 5! What Does That Mean For Real Estate In Ocean County, NJ?
YOUTUBE turns 5 years old this week! What does this mean for the real estate market in Ocean County, NJ? Let's take a look back at 2009 first:
- 1 billion – The total number of videos YouTube serves in one day.
- 12.2 billion – Videos viewed per month on YouTube in the US (November 2009).
- 924 million – Videos viewed per month on Hulu in the US (November 2009).
- 182 – The number of online videos the average Internet user watches in a month (USA).
- 82% – Percentage of Internet users that view videos online (USA).
- 39.4% – YouTube online video market share (USA).
- 81.9% – Percentage of embedded videos on blogs that are YouTube videos.
Who's watching ALL of these videos? Today's home-buyer and/or home-seller; that's who. Consider the success of Coldwell Banker's "On Location"; their dedicated YOUTUBE channel has surpassed over 1 million views in it's first year!
Ok, Ok, so what does this mean for real estate in Ocean County, NJ, in 2010? NAR reports that over 90% of all prospective home-buyers start their home search on the internet. So, if 82% of ALL internet users, in the USA, viewed videos online last year, you can bet your home that today's home-buyer and home-seller in Ocean County, NJ, knows YOUTUBE turns 5 this week!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Tic Toc; 10 Days and Counting in Ocean County, NJ!

Saturday, April 10, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
30 Days and Counting; Don't Be An April Fool!
Happy April Fool's Day!
And the rest of the day to you...
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
5 Reasons to buy that home in Toms River, NJ, NOW!

Friday, February 26, 2010
What the Tax Credit means for Home-Sellers in Ocean County, NJ!
- Do home-sellers understand the Tax Credit?
- Are their real estate agents explaining the significance of this "window of opportunity" to them?
- Do real estate agents realize it is their fiduciary responsibility to make their sellers aware of the significance of pricing their home right, right now?
- Do home-sellers realize their home is WORTH MORE NOW than it will be on May 1, 2010?
And the rest of the day to you...
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Snowmageddon and the Tax Credit
Watch Jim Flanagan, Broker of Record, Coldwell Banker Flanagan Realty, as he shows us why:
Saturday, January 30, 2010
90 Days to Cash In On the Opportunity of a Lifetime in Ocean County, NJ
- The first "I" stands for INVENTORY! Currently, there are 3798 single family homes "For Sale" in Ocean County, NJ. This represents a "saturation factor" of almost 21 months (how long it would take to sell of the existing supply of homes if no other homes were to come on the market)! Translation; there are plenty of homes to choose from!
- The second "I" stands for Mortgage INTEREST Rates which remain at historically low levels! Some economists are already predicting rising mortgage rates as early as the second quarter of 2010. Translation; waiting may cost you MORE in the form of a monthly payment!
- The third "I" stands for INCENTIVES! Aside from the standard tax deduction which comes with Home Ownership, Home-Buyers may be eligible for up to an $8,000 Tax Credit this year! Translation; if you buy a home before April 30th, 2010, you could get a check back from Uncle Sam of up to $8,000!
- And last, but not least, the "P", which stands for PRICES! The average sales price of a single family home in Ocean County, NJ, was $342, 378 in 2009, as compared to $373,775 in 2008. Translation; home ownership has never been more affordable!
In a nutshell; the factors which comprise Triple "I" P will disappear in 90 days! Will you look back at this historic opportunity to buy a home in Ocean County, NJ, as the wisest decision you ever made, or the biggest mistake (not buying now)?

Monday, January 25, 2010
Why Is NOW the Best Time to Buy a Home in Ocean County, NJ?
1. The “Bottom” was 2008!
When we look at the chart below, we can see that sales in Ocean County “bottomed” out in 2008 and started to climb back up in 2009 (thanks in large part to the $8,000 Tax Credit)! With the “Extension” and “Expansion” of the Home-Buyer Tax Credit until April 30th, 2010, we should sales in Ocean County, NJ, continue to increase in 2010.

2. Home Prices Should Continue to Decline in 2010!
As we can see in this chart below, although sales in Ocean County rebounded in 2009, prices continued to drop! Many “experts” are forecasting an increase in the number of “distressed properties” (foreclosures and short sales) entering the real estate market in 2010. Combined with an existing inventory of homes in Ocean County averaging a sales pace of 13.15 months (How long it would take to sell of the existing inventory of homes if NO other homes were to come on the market), today’s home-buyer has a wide selection of homes to choose from a la the law of “Supply and Demand”.

3. Mortgage Interest Rates Are STILL Historically Low!
What’s the old saying? “What goes up must come down”. Well, the reverse is also true and the “era” of 5% mortgage interest rates may be coming to an end sooner than we think! Sooner or later, we will have to start paying off this entire “stimulus package” in the form of higher interest rates which translates to higher monthly payments. Notice the graph below which illustrates that we may NEVER see an opportunity to buy a home in Ocean County, NJ, like this again!

Saturday, January 16, 2010
Toms River, NJ's Monthly Real Estate Market Report for December 2009

Monthly Real Estate Market Report for Toms River, NJ – December 2009
December by the numbers:
• 56 The number of Single Family Homes CLOSED during the month
• $387,928 Average LIST price for December*
• $354,078 Average SALES price for the month*
• 109 Average DAYS ON the MARKET for December
• 91.27% The SALES price to LIST price RATIO for the month
• 686 Number of Single Family Homes ACTIVE on the market in December
• 12.25 Number of MONTHS it would take to SELL OFF the existing supply of homes on the market, in Toms River, at this rate, if NONE were to come on the market!
December 2009 saw 56 Single Family Homes CLOSE in Toms River, as compared with 63 in December of 2008. THIS MARKS THE FIRST MONTH, IN THE LAST 6, WHERE SALES HAVE NOT SURPASSED THE SAME MONTH OF THE PREVIOUS YEAR! Of those 56 homes, 20 were in the price range of $200,000 to $299,999 (36%). Clearly, the $8,000 Tax Credit for First Time Homebuyers resulted in the gains in this particular price range during 2009!
*These averages include Single Family Homes from the beach communities of Ortley, Normandy and Ocean, etc. This may result in "higher than actual" averages for Toms River, NJ's Monthly Real Estate Market Report.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Sometimes, even GREAT homes don't sell!
Rick Deluca, National Real Estate Speaker, suggests there are 5 reasons even GREAT homes don't sell. Watch Jim Flanagan, Broker of Record for Coldwell Banker Flanagan Realty, as he explains these 5 reasons:
Friday, January 1, 2010
Top 3 New Year's Resolutions!
Now, a few things to keep in mind:
I did not receive any compensation from, nor do I have any relationship with, Squidoo, Marlboro, Kraft and/or Ramen.
I meant to say; "If you bought your home AFTER 2003"!
Resolution Number 4; Don't take things so seriously...
Happy New Year!